Volta Community Development Inc.

Who We Are

Volta Community Development, Inc. is a nonprofit organization founded by Mark Elinam Konu on June 4, 2020, and incorporated as a 501(c)(3) organization in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 5, 2022, to inspire and support children in underprivileged communities to achieve their dreams and goals through education, community service, and engagement in business and entrepreneurial initiatives.

Who We Are

Volta Community Development, Inc. is a nonprofit organization founded by Mark Elinam Konu on June 4, 2021, and incorporated as a 501(c)(3) organization in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 5, 2022, to inspire and support children in underprivileged communities to achieve their dreams and goals through education, community service, and engagement in business and entrepreneurial initiatives.

Our Programs And Projects


Mentorship Program

We use our virtual and in-person mentorship program to connect with children in deprived communities who want to improve upon their knowledge, skill, and experience in a variety of fields, including but not limited to education, business, and community development.


School Supplies Program

We provide school supplies like backpacks, binders, exercise books, pens, pencils, and so on to 1st to 12th graders in schools in disadvantaged  communities.


Building Project

We collaborate with individuals, groups, organizations, and communities to identify building projects like schools, bridges, public toilet facilities, and so on that require immediate attention in disadvantaged areas, and work with all stakeholders to build and maintain them.


Clean Water Supply Project

We search and identify some of the most deprived communities that need clean water supply and work with the community leaders and other stakeholders to build water boreholes and wells in those communities.

Passion For Education

Education is one of the key areas that we are so passionate about and we are doing the best that we can to support it.



Currently, we are raising funds to buy desks and school supplies for some of the underprivileged community schools in Ghana. Our goal is to also start reaching out to some of the disadvantaged community schools in Togo and Benin by the year 2025.


Please feel free to contact us if you would like to help or wish to know more about our school outreach initiatives.

Volta Region Education in focus

Sustainable Development Goal 4 is to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Volta Community Development seeks to contribute its quota to the educational needs of the underprivileged children in the Volta Region of Ghana and in other underprivileged communities.

Our projects


Young Mentorship Project

Our Mentor training prepares leaders to better understand what is expected of them. During training, mentors learn how to communicate and understand their dreams


Education for Every Child

Our Mentor training prepares leaders to better understand what is expected of them. During training, mentors learn how to communicate and understand their dreams


Safe Water Ghana Project

Our Mentor training prepares leaders to better understand what is expected of them. During training, mentors learn how to communicate and understand their dreams


The School Bag Project

Our Mentor training prepares leaders to better understand what is expected of them. During training, mentors learn how to communicate and understand their dreams


Safe Water Ghana Project

Our Mentor training prepares leaders to better understand what is expected of them. During training, mentors learn how to communicate and understand their dreams


The School Uniform Project

Our Mentor training prepares leaders to better understand what is expected of them. During training, mentors learn how to communicate and understand their dreams

Why Choose Volta Community

We recognize that every client is different, and we carefully tailor our services to each one’s individual needs and circumstances.  We take a personalized approach to understanding and meeting their financial needs, financial planning goals, and objectives.


Become A Volunteer

